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Paravan de baie

Paravan de baie

Paravanele de baie sunt un element esential in orice baie moderna. Acestea ofera o solutie eleganta si practica pentru a impiedica apa sa se scurga in afara cabinei de dus sau a zonei de baie. Paravanele de baie sunt disponibile intr-o varietate de dimensiuni, forme si stiluri, astfel incat pot fi personalizate pentru orice spatiu de baie.


Cu ajutorul unui paravan de dus, apa ramane in interiorul zonei de dus, impiedicandu-se astfel stropirea apei in restul baii si reducandu-se timpul si efortul necesare pentru a curata.


What's special about a walk-in shower?

Firstly, the shower tray is removed and replaced with tiles. The first advantage is aesthetic, the design of the whole is maintained and the colour play continues without interruption. It's usually framed in glass, but we've seen some pretty successful curtained versions. One opts for a drain gutter that takes over the role of the siphon.

The battery and shower are mounted on the wall, and cosmetics are usually placed neatly on a metal stand. The problem with cosmetics that probably all ladies know is that no matter how large the area where they can be placed, it won't be enough. There will always be a new conditioner, or an urgent need for a hair mask. All of which, obviously, can't be hidden anywhere but near where you wash.


Despre Paravanul de cada

Sleek, modern and stylish, a bath screen can transform a simple bath into a shower in seconds. Looking much better than a shower curtain, a shower screen can make a huge contribution to the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom.

One of the most ingenious space-saving solutions in the bathroom is the bath shower screen. Bath screens are a stylish alternative to shower curtains that are now outdated. Unlike curtains, these screens offer better protection against splashing water all over the bathroom.


8 products

  1. Paravan cada din sticla bronz cu kit montaj inclus, 70x120 cm
    Paravan cada din sticla bronz cu kit montaj inclus, 70x120 cm
    From 1.020,00 Lei VAT included
    In stock
  2. Paravan cada din sticla colorat in masa cu kit montaj inclus, 60x135cm
    Paravan cada din sticla colorat in masa cu kit montaj inclus, 60x135cm
    From 1.010,00 Lei VAT included
    In stock
  3. Paravan cada din sticla clara cu kit montaj inclus, 75x140 cm
    Paravan cada din sticla clara cu kit montaj inclus, 75x140 cm
    From 900,00 Lei VAT included
    In stock
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